IIT Publications Search

Ahmed H., Lopez H., Boselli F., Tarricone G., Vercellino S., Costantini P.E., Castagnola V., Veronesi M., Benfenati F., Danielli A., Boselli L., Pompa P.P.
Biomimetic Plasmonic Nanophages by Head/Tail Self-Assembling: Gold Nanoparticle/Virus Interactions
ACS Nano, vol. 18, (no. 32), pp. 21302-21315
Article Journal
Boselli L., Castagnola V., Armirotti A., Benfenati F., Pompa P.P.
Biomolecular Corona of Gold Nanoparticles: The Urgent Need for Strong Roots to Grow Strong Branches
Small, vol. 20, (no. 15)
Review Journal
Villarreal-Gomez L.J., Bardi G., Cornejo-Bravo J.M., Pena-Juarez M.C.
Editorial: Immunological response to nanomaterials
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 12
Della Rosa G., Gostynska N. E., Wesley Ephraim J., Sganga S., Panuccio G., Palazzolo G., Tirelli N.
Magnesium alginate as a low-viscosity (intramolecularly cross-linked) system for the sustained and neuroprotective release of magnesium
Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 331
Article Journal
Cursi L., Mirra G., Boselli L., Pompa P.P.
Metrology of Platinum Nanozymes: Mechanistic Insights and Analytical Issues
Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 34, (no. 24)
Article Journal
Blal N., Bardi G., Pompa P.P., Guarnieri D.
Nano-Biointeractions of Functional Nanomaterials: The Emerging Role of Inter-Organelle Contact Sites, Targeting, and Signaling
Advanced Functional Materials
Article Journal
De Luca E., Pedone D., Scarsi A., Marotta R., Catalano F., Debellis D., Cursi L., Grimaldi B., Moglianetti M., Pompa P.P.
Platinum Nanozyme Probes for Cellular Imaging by Electron Microscopy
Small Science
Article Journal
Castagnola V., Tomati V., Boselli L., Braccia C., Decherchi S., Pompa P.P., Pedemonte N., Benfenati F., Armirotti A.
Sources of biases in the in vitro testing of nanomaterials: the role of the biomolecular corona
Nanoscale Horizons, vol. 9, (no. 5), pp. 799-816
Article Journal
Petrosino A., Saporetti R., Starinieri F., Sarti E., Ulfo L., Boselli L., Cantelli A., Morini A., Zadran S.K., Zuccheri G., Pasquini Z., Di Giosia M., Prodi L., Pompa P.P., Costantini P.E., Calvaresi M., Danielli A.
A modular phage vector platform for targeted photodynamic therapy of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens
iScience, vol. 26, (no. 10)
Scarsi A., Pedone D., Pompa P.P.
A multi-line platinum nanozyme-based lateral flow device for the colorimetric evaluation of total antioxidant capacity in different matrices
Nanoscale Advances, vol. 5, (no. 8), pp. 2167-2174
Bardi G., Boselli L., Pompa P.P.
Anti-inflammatory potential of platinum nanozymes: mechanisms and perspectives
Nanoscale, vol. 15, (no. 35), pp. 14284-14300
Review Journal
Zafar M.S., Gatto F., Mancini G., Lauciello S., Pompa P.P., Athanassiou A., Fragouli D.
Biocomposite Cryogels for Photothermal Decontamination of Water
Langmuir, vol. 39, (no. 22), pp. 7793-7803
Article Journal
Tarricone G., Castagnola V., Mastronardi V., Cursi L., Debellis D., Ciobanu D.Z., Armirotti A., Benfenati F., Boselli L., Pompa P.P.
Catalytic Bioswitch of Platinum Nanozymes: Mechanistic Insights of Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging in the Neurovascular Unit
Nano Letters, vol. 23, (no. 10), pp. 4660-4668
Article Journal
Managò F., Scheggia D., Pontillo M., Mereu M., Mastrogiacomo R., Udayan G., Valentini P., Tata M.C., Weinberger D.R., Weickert C.S., Pompa P.P., De Luca M.A., Vicari S., Papaleo F.
Dopaminergic signaling and behavioral alterations by Comt-Dtnbp1 genetic interaction and their clinical relevance
British Journal of Pharmacology
Article in Press Journal
Manago F., Scheggia D., Pontillo M., Mereu M., Mastrogiacomo R., Udayan G., Valentini P., Tata M.C., Weinberger D.R., Weickert C.S., Pompa P.P., De Luca M.A., Vicari S., Papaleo F.
Dopaminergic signalling and behavioural alterations by Comt–Dtnbp1 genetic interaction and their clinical relevance
British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 180, (no. 19), pp. 2514-2531
Article Journal

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